A body of water contained by walls usually located in the backyard of a home!
Over 20,000 species known to man! Algae may form on your pool surfaces or it may bloom in suspension. We typically know algae to be green, but it may also be yellow (mustard algae), black, blue-green or any shade in between. It may form separate spots or seem to grow in sheets. Pink algae is not algae at all, but a form of bacteria. Algae are living, breathing organisms that need warmth, sunlight and carbon dioxide to thrive.
Chemicals that prevent and control algae growth. Some types kill algae, others are preventative.
Alkaline refers to the condition where the water's pH is above 7.0 (neutral) on the pH scale. It is the opposite of acidic. Alkalinity is the amount of carbonates and bicarbonates in the water, measured in ppm of Total Alkalinity.
Microscopic organisms (germs) that contaminate the pool water. Introduced by swimmers, air, rain storms, dust, dirt and other outside elements.
A member of the halogen family. Commonly used as a sanitizer in spas because of its resistance to hot water with rapid pH fluctuations.
The amount of calcium dissolved in the water. A pool must have calcium hardness in the water or it becomes aggressive and will harm the pool equipment. If the calcium level is too high, it will scale up the pool and equipment. A titration test is used to determine the levels of the mineral calcium dissolved in the pool water. Pool water should always have some type of hardness in the water, whether it be calcium, borate or potassium.
The chlorine molecule that is strongly attracted to nitrogen and ammonia. When these two hook up, they form chloramines which are undesirable, foul-smelling, space-taking compounds that require shocking of the pool water to get rid of them.
They are also formed when free chlorine combines itself with nitrogen. Nitrogen is introduced into the pool from urine, perspiration and also airborne through certain fertilizers, etc. Chloramines cause eye and skin irritation, as well as unpleasant odors. Chloramines often cause cloudy water, which in turn lead to a green algae filled pool.
The most efficient and commonly used disinfecting agent for swimming pools. The preferred type of chlorine used in swimming pools is a stabilized chlorine like PROTEAM HIGH TECH TABS.
A member of the halogen family of sanitizers, it's use in swimming pools is in the elemental form of a gas, or as a liquid, granular or tablet compound. When added to water it acts as an oxidizer, sanitizer and disinfectant. Free available chlorine is that which is active, not combined with an ammonia or a nitrogen molecule, and ready to destroy organic material.
(Free) chlorine is used to destroy unwanted bacteria and algae in the pool. The chlorine demand is the amount of chlorine demanded to kill and disinfect all the waste being added to the pool.
The amount of chlorine remaining in the pool after chlorine demand has been satisfied.
The measure of chlorine which has already attached itself to other molecules or organisms. Most of this is made up of chloramines.
Comes from certain kinds of algaecides, from acidic water going through heaters, and well-water. Turns hair green!
(also called Stabilizer) A product that helps prolong the useful life of chlorine in the water by slowing down chlorine destruction caused by the suns UV rays.
All-natural product put into the pool to eliminate organic matter. It's benefits include sparkling water, prevents scum and waterline ring, eliminates chemical odors, keeps filters clear extending filter life and reduces shocking. Enzymes used in swimming pools are designed to break down and digest oils in a pool or spa similar to the way enzymes are used in oil spill cleanup efforts. USE NATURAL CHEMISTRY'S SPA PERFECT AND POOL PERFECT.
A mineral usually found in well water that causes staining on pools. When mixed with chlorine it can turn the pool water green.
When combined with chlorine, nitrogen creates chloramines which do not belong in your pool. Nitrogen can be found in many swimmer wastes (perspiration, suntan oil, hair tonics, etc.) or be introduced by other means like lawn fertilizers.
Product used to break down organic matter, bacteria and other swimmer waste in pools.
- pH
A system for measuring the acidity/alkalinity of water. Readings above 7 are alkaline, readings below 7 are acidic. What's really being measured is the hydrogen ion concentration. Some would say pH stands for "power of hydrogen".
- ppm
Parts per million. Unit of measure.
A pathogen known to cause disease in recreational water environments. The Pseudomonas bacteria is able to thrive in pools and hot tubs quite easily. Once Pseudomonas has taken root in an area, it is hard to eliminate. A slime coating protects the bacteria and is able to survive in otherwise harsh environments. Many common symptoms can include red, bumpy rash usually in the hair follicles. These may be associated with puss filled blisters around the hair. Swimsuit rashes are a good indicator that one has been introduced to this water born illness. Pseudomonas has also been known to cause the condition known as Swimmer's Ear.
A product used on a daily basis to keep pool sanitary, free of algae and crystal clear.
A product used to tie up metals (iron and copper) in the water so they do not stain the pool. It is the filters job to pull out the metals.
(SUPREME) An algaecide and fungicide comprised of boron derivatives which are added to swimming pools . The boron derivative is effective in killing and repressing unwanted algae and fungal growth. It also, is a pH and alkalinity buffer, lowers chlorine consumption, ties up calcium hardness and gives pool water a soft and silky feel.
(Shock treatment) The practice of adding 5 -10 times the normal daily chlorine dose to destroy algae, or to prevent problems after heavy bather loads or severe rains.
This helps the water resist changes in pH.
Measurement of the amount of material dissolved in water. The chemicals added to the pool, dust, dirt, human waste, etc all increase this level. If the level reaches 2,200 ppm, the pool water must be diluted.
The clarity of the water.